Amigas Latinas Forever
Aug 11 – Sep 30, 2023
You are cordially invited to an exhibition opening: Amigas Latinas Forever on Fri. August 11, 2023, from 6-9 pm with guest DJs TRQPiTECA. We especially invite all Amigas Latina community members to this celebration, and more upcoming events.
Since 2020 Jose Luis Benavides and Amanda Cervantes have investigated the Amigas Latinas archive held at the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives. Amigas Latinas (which existed from 1995 to 2015) was a Chicagoland Latina Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, and Questioning support, education, and advocacy organization that offered many events and services over its 20-year existence. With generous support from a 3Arts’ Ignite Fund grant, Luis and Amanda present original artworks responding to the archive. Also featuring invited guests: Marimacha Monarca Press, and a special video screening of “Palabras Dulces Palabras Amargas” featuring a discussion with directors, Linda Garcia Merchant and Maritza Nazario. Several Zoom “pláticas” or discussion-based events are scheduled as well, including a Zoom-recorded storytelling event hosted by former “Amiguitas” organizer Daisy Zamora.
Opening night
Featuring DJs Trqpiteca and guests Marimacha Monarca Press
Fri. Aug. 11, 2023
6-8 PM CST
Chicago Art Department
Palabras Dulces, Palabras Amargas (43 min, 2009)
Video screening & discussion with directors Linda Garcia Merchant and Maritza Nazario Presented by Sin Cinta Previa
Sun. Aug. 13, 2023
2-4 PM CST
Chicago Art Department
Pláticas – Marimacha Monarcha Press
Virtual Discussion on queer familia and collectives finding queer community in the digital age
Wed. Aug. 23, 2023
7-8 PM CST
Register for Zoom link
Pláticas – Amigas y Amiguitas Storytelling
Storytelling event for all Amigas and Amiguitas to share their memories hosted by Daisy Zamora
Wed. Aug. 30, 2023
7-8 PM CST
Register for Zoom link
Amigas Latinas Artist Talk
Sulzer Regional Library – Chicago Public Library
4455 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago (Lincoln Square)
Sat. Sep. 16, 2023 | 2-3:30 PM CST
Please contact Carlos Flores at Chicago Art Department at [email protected] for gallery hours and to make an appointment for a walkthrough.
Please contact Amanda and Luis at [email protected] for press inquiries.