Featuring our Connected Learning Work
Chicago Art Department is happy to announce and invite you to check out the launch of inPOINTS, a website showcasing CAD’s video, design, and art work around connected learning.
Since 2013, the Chicago Art Department, with generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, has engaged artists and creatives around connected learning. We have produced videos documenting connected learning in action, capturing the stories of young people, and promoting a variety of efforts in the connected learning community. We have also produced graphic work for presentations about connected learning, digital badges, and cities of learning. And CAD has also engaged artists to explore connected learning as inspiration for art making and art practice, resulting in two exhibitions.
Needless to say we have produced a significant amount of content that you may not have seen or have even been aware of. We created inPOINTS to collect, showcase and share this with those involved in connected learning, but also to engage a broader public audience. This is
This is just the beginning. There are some kinks that still need to be worked out, more content to add, and an editorial voice that still needs more definition, but we see great potential. In the meantime enjoy the work we have done so far.
How can you stay up to date on what we are doing? Visit the website regularly, but also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @inpointsorg and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
If you have any feedback, thoughts for us, or maybe even want to contribute to the site please email me