Core Resident: Amie Sell


Art is Amie Sell’s conduit for understanding her relation to our world and its complexities. By creating objects and installations, her intention is to provoke the audience into rethinking about how they relate to the world. Being an artist provides her the freedom to explore ideas and develop projects in gray areas between art, science, the built environment and the human condition.

She is a Chicago-based sculptor and graduate of the University of WI-Green Bay in 2002 with a degree in Art & Museum/Gallery Studies. Previous art residencies at the Chicago Art Department (2010-12), Grace Church Logan Square, Chicago (Winter 2014) and The Ketchikan Arts & Humanities Council, Alaska (Spring 2018). Currently, she is a resident with CORE Program at the Chicago Art Department (Fall 2018/Winter 2019).

As a CAD Alum and Core Resident, Sell plans build her Mold-Making and casting skills to extend her sculptural practice from a singular object to multiples of the same object. Sell’s work often utilizes multiple modules and repetition that create one larger installation or piece, therefore dependent on manufactured found objects. By learning to better, more efficiently create her own, original modules, the work is not limited to the shapes and material types of the industrial world.

Wednesdays, 530-7pm 
[email protected]
Melt + Toast + Dunk – Solo Exhibition, January 2019
Long Time No See – Group Exhibition, Fall 2018