Jessica Buben



Jessica Buben is a digital installation artist and sole proprietor of  Girl A Micromedia, a small performative, interdisciplinary visual research entity.  Among G.A.M’s projects is  E=MC2:  Image Equivalency and Pop Metaphysics,  a digital media document produced during Jessica’s doctoral work with The Committee on the History of Culture at The University of Chicago (Ph.D ‘05). Portions of this project include “The Psychedelic Sewing Room” appearing in  Visual Culture Revisited,  published in 2007 from Frei Universitat, Berlin and “Astaire2“ appearing in  Americana:  The Journal of  Popular Culture (2011).  Her recent exhibition,  “My Pet Phonograph: an exhibition for smArt phones and the humans who use them (2014)”, synthesizes physical, mathematical and digital space in large-scale graphic wall installations.  Another installation, tentatively titled “Dropsy” is slated for July through August, 2015.