Tirar y Soltar
May 8 – June 28

Tirar y Soltar
Socially-Distant Reception
June 12, 6-8:00PM
By popular demand, we are extending Tirar y Soltar (Pull and Let Go) by studio resident Macus Alonso through June 28th! The solo exhibition features an eclectic series of sculptural and vibrantly-colored textiles, created from materials ranging from the traditional and natural—such as wool and linen—to recent explorations with recycled fabrics and plastic. Join us for a socially-distant reception on June 12, 6-8:00PM.
Please note, attendees will need to RSVP. Masks will be required to enter the space and only eight visitors will be allowed at any given time. Sorry, no public restroom.
On display May 6- June 28
Virtual Guided Tour of Tirar y Soltar on CAD’s Instagram
Friday, May 8, 7:00pm (English)
Friday, May 22, 7:00pm (Spanish)
Weaving In Action: Curbside Weaving Demonstrations
Friday, May 8, 5:00-6:00pm
Tuesday, May 12, 5:00-6:00pm
Tuesday, May 19, 5:00-6:00pm
To schedule a private viewing, please email Macus Alonso at [email protected]. There will be a maximum capacity of four people per appointment. All visitors are required to wear a mask and maintain social distance in the gallery.