Working with Nature – Inside Out
August 13th – 2 – 4 pm

This workshop focuses on our engagement with nature as we aim to better understand our shared resources and psychological functions in face of an unseen contagion. As we work towards this ambition, participants are asked to pause and observe their surroundings, sensitizing themselves to environment around. They will be collecting materials, preferably natural or naturally derived, from their homes, gardens, alleys, art studios, etc. prior to the workshop. These materials will then be interwoven with techniques, some that have existed for over thousand years, across various cultures and geographies. By adopting these simple methods to make art, the workshop aims to bring to awareness some of nature’s core principles and our interconnectedness with them. We will be focusing on exercises such as playing with elements, doodling with nature and more. For each of these activities, a PowerPoint presentation will be used as visual aid to share relevant examples from history and artworks that use these techniques. Participants will then be given time for self-exploration. Traditional and abstract artists working in any media are welcome.
Workshop: Aug 13th, 2020, Thursday 2pm – 4 pm
Online on Zoom *Please contact artist for workshop link. Information provided below.
Participants are requested to think openly, finding freedom in limited resources. e.g. doodling with nature can happens as effectively with twigs from trees, as with gestural painting on wind with fingers. The outcome may result in a physical work of art or a performance. It is upon participants how creatively they use mediums that are accessible. Some mediums that can be used are stones, leaves, spices, salt, sumi ink, clay in any form, soil, sand etc. or any other materials, preferably natural, naturally derived and non-toxic. Potential material list will be shared with each exercise as guideline upon signing up.
About the Artist
Gunjan Chawla Kumar is an artist living and working in Chicago. Originally from Punjab, India, she has travelled extensively across India and south east Asia exploring her interest in indigenous textiles and crafts, archeology, pre-historic and tribal arts. These experiences form the undertone her art practice. Her core process involves applying ground earth minerals like shell oysters, clay, calcium carbonate, turmeric etc. onto mulberry paper to form contemplative surfaces. To know more please visit,
This workshop is ‘contribute what you can’. Suggested Donation $25
For questions and to register please email [email protected]